Add Missing Translations

How to add missing translations

YAML8n can add missing translations using Google Cloud Translation API. Follow these steps after creating your Translations to use yaml8n translate.

Create a Google Cloud Project

Visit [] and create a new Google Cloud project to use with Cloud Translate. You’ll have to add a credit card or some form of payment, but the monthly free tier allowance for Cloud Translate is really generous. You may not have to pay anything to use this service.

Enable the Cloud Translate API

Visit and select the project you created. It should prompt you to enable the AutoML API, tap Enable API.

Authenticate YAML8n to Google Cloud

YAML8n needs a way to authenticate to Google Cloud. There are two ways to do this: via a Service Account or via gcloud application default credentials.

Using a Service Account

Visit, select the project you created, and tap CREATE SERVICE ACCOUNT at the top.

On the first screen, give the service account a name like yaml8n-user. Tap CREATE AND CONTINUE.

On the second screen, add the role Cloud Translation API User. Tap DONE.

Back at the service account list, tap the service account you just created.

On the Service account details screen, tap KEYS.

On the Keys screen, tap ADD KEY, tap Create new key, tap CREATE (keep the default JSON selection). Save this key somewhere on your device.

You’ll need to set an environment variable to use the key with YAML8n:

GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=path/to/key yaml8n translate translations.yaml

Using gcloud

Follow these instructions to install the gcloud CLI.

Once installed, run gcloud auth application-default login. You should be able to run yaml8n translate translations.yaml now.